cloud infrastructure for insurance brokerages
Microsoft Azure is the cloud data management solution that insurance brokers have been asking for since the turn of the last decade. Cloud infrastructure for insurance brokerages offers a myriad of benefits – enabling the rise of virtual brokerages and ultra-secure client personal information storage. This article looks at why important insurance brokerage data is better stored in a data centre, the types of benefits cloud infrastructure can offer, and how to go about diagnosing and solving your data storage and cloud hosted business services with Microsoft Azure:

here's why your insurance brokerage data is better off in a data centre:
Microsoft Azure data centres managed by nVisionIT have much larger and more capable servers than most in-house insurance brokerage data servers.
Microsoft Data centres host information from countless people and organisations, so you’ll find the best cyber security measures in place.
Microsoft Data centres understand the nuanced requirements of the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act, and ensure all clients remain compliant.
client-facing communications
Imagine being able to set an automatic policy renewal reminder email to go out exactly 2 weeks before the date of renewal? This sort of marketing and communications automation is a reality with cloud infrastructure platforms like Microsoft Azure. It allows brokers to remain in communication with their clients – all of their clients – with much less input required. Time is money in the insurance field, and the more brokers can automate their time-consuming communications the better.
cybersecurity & data protection
Where do insurance brokers store their client’s information? We hope not in an Excel spreadsheet locally saved on their laptops. From the 1st of July 2021, the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act comes into effect. Ensuring an insurance brokerage’s servers of data are secured and responsibly managed will be needed to remain compliant and avoid penalties. Data centres like nVisionIT adhere strictly to data protection policies including the POPI Act and Europe’s GDPR, so insurance brokerage clients are compliant by proxy.
agility, scalability & cost-effectiveness
Cloud infrastructure like Microsoft Azure management enables a new kind of insurance brokerage: one that requires no physical location. By hosting their data on cloud hosting provider servers, there is no need for a physical location to store an on-site data server. These WFH mobile brokers can still access company data at any time, from anywhere in the world where the internet is found. As the brokerage grows, so too can the data storage capacity without having to invest in expensive hardware.
when should an insurance brokerage migrate to a data centre?
If you have aging server infrastructure coming to end of life.
If you have expensive and fallible HR costs to maintain infrastructure.
If you lose access to systems and information due to load shedding.
If you find maintenance of databases and infrastructure in-house expensive and unreliable.
If your remote staff have difficulty accessing your line of business systems.

which insurance brokerages can benefit from cloud systems?
Any brokerage looking to move their physical servers to a cloud environment.
Medium to large brokerages wanting to move in-house line of business applications to the cloud.
Insurance brokerages who want to move integration functions to the cloud, whilst gradually modernising their aging applications.
why choose nvisionit as your cloud infrastructure partner?
Secure your data with a Direct CSP Partner and the powerful Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure. nVisionIT is a recognised top-tier Microsoft cloud services provider in South Africa, with offices in Australia and Mauritius. Contact us at or via telephone on (011) 287-1400.
With our roots firmly established in a successful software solutions background, nVisionIT’s is notability to also provide complimentary hosting and licensing services, only a hosting provider, and therefore ensures that we embark on a journey with the customer and become a partner and advisor in their IT cloud journey roadmap.
- We can assist our clients with hosting, application modernisation, DevOps services, serverless integration and Microsoft license provision.
- We have 21 years of experience and an excellent delivery track record.
- We have highly skilled staff and an advanced delivery methodology.
- We offer clients the best possible pricing because we are a Microsoft Direct Cloud Solution Provider.